Miracle Mile at Risk?

UPDATE 3/12/2025

The Miracle Mile is one of Wyoming’s most treasured trout fisheries, drawing anglers from across the country and generating millions in recreation-based revenue each year. But this world-class fishery, adjacent crucial wildlife habitat, and local communities and economies that depend on them are at risk. 

Join Trout Unlimited, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Wyoming Trout Unlimited, Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation, and Wyoming Wildlife Federation in asking regulatory and management agencies as well as elected officials to ensure that the Seminoe Pumped Storage Project is only permitted if impacts are adequately studied and addressed. 

Visit this link to share your voice, and learn more about the project. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is in the process of evaluating a license application by Black Canyon Hydro, a subsidiary of rPlus Hydro, and its potential impacts on the Miracle Mile, Seminoe Reservoir, BLM and WY State Park lands, and more. 


Haven’t heard about it? Neither had we until recently. With an important upcoming agency and public comment deadline on March 14th, 2025, now is your chance to learn more about the Seminoe Pumped Storage Project, its potential impacts on one of Wyoming’s treasured waterways and landscapes, and how you can submit comments to regulatory agencies.

The irreplaceable fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, and recreation opportunities in and around the Miracle Mile, and dam and spillway safety at Seminoe and Kortes Reservoirs all rely upon your engagement.

Seminoe Pumped Storage Project Community Information Meeting

For: All anglers, hunters, guides, outfitters, businesses, elected officials, and community members. Those in Casper, Rawlins, Saratoga, and CO Front Range are highly encouraged to attend.

Date and time: Tuesday, March 4th from 5:30 – 7 pm via Zoom

Hosted By:


  • Overall information about the project

  • Information about potential project impacts per FERC scoping document

  • Where we are in the permitting and review process

  • How to find out more information including scoping and studies 

  • How and where to submit comments

  • Opportunity to ask questions


  • Stay tuned for more information including a list of presenters

Links to learn more and stay connected:

  • Click HERE to sign up to receive updates from Trout Unlimited and partners. 

  • Click HERE to read the FERC Scoping Document 2 for the Seminoe Pumped Storage Project

  • Click HERE and use “P-14787” to search the FERC docket for the Seminoe Pumped Storage Project

  • Click HERE to register to be notified by FERC of new filings and issuances related to this project

Note: this is not an official scoping meeting hosted by regulatory and land management agencies. FERC will not be in attendance. This is a community information meeting hosted by the groups listed above in an effort to raise awareness about the Seminoe Pumped Storage Project.


Camo at the Capitol