It is the goal of the Wyoming Council of Trout Unlimited (WYTU) to support all Wyoming Trout Unlimited Chapters in identifying, organizing, and funding conservation projects in their respective regions and watersheds. Recent funding successes by WYTU have increased the capacity of WYTU to accomplish this goal.
Our rivers whisper stories of a vibrant past. Maybe yours suffers from pollution, invasive species, or lost habitat. But there's hope! By exploring your local waterway, you can identify areas in need and discover ongoing restoration projects. Together, through volunteering or spreading awareness, we can help these rivers return to their natural splendor.
Some examples of projects that could be funded:
Invasive species mitigation
Restoration of natives
Stream flow protections
Irrigation mitigation
Stormwater management
Riparian protection/restoration
Any grant funds not used by a chapter or chapters for the specific project in the application will be returned to the Wyoming Council in a timely manner.
The Wyoming Coordinator is available to help any chapter with the application and discuss the grant. This may include the project identification phase.
Contact Ian McCreary
phone: 503-875-6641
email: wytucoordinator@gmail.com
Grant Requirements
The Executive Committee of the WY Council (EC) will approve a total initial value for the grant fund with subsequent funding possible. Initial funding is $42,000 – the proceeds from the 2024 Commissioner license auction.
The maximum grant amount is $20,000. Only one request per chapter will be accepted unless the chapter is involved with a multi-chapter request. Multiple grants per year may be awarded up to the maximum funds available.
The deadline for the first grant submission is established as September 1st or April 1st. An oral presentation to the EC is required at the September/April EC monthly call for the council to ask any questions they may have. It is anticipated that any project approved would be completed within the year although longer duration projects may be accepted.
Applicants are required to make and bring a poster to the biannual meeting to showcase their project to other chapters.
While grant funding requests seek to help chapters fund projects that have longer-term planning horizons, the EC understands that chapters may need support on smaller projects or projects of which the chapter has fallen short on current fundraising goals. If a chapter needs short term assistance/funding, please work with the WY Coordinator to develop a proposal and request to present at the next EC meeting (3rd Tuesday of every month).
Grant funds will be available for any part of the project except salaries.
Any WY TU chapter can apply but priority will be given to those chapters that are struggling to identify and/or complete conservation projects in their area.
TU’s Priority Waters watersheds should be noted and recognized; however, projects need not include an identified Priority Water to obtain funding.
Joint projects with TU staff, WY G&F, BLM, USFS, or any other major partnership are encouraged but are not required. Project partners may help in preparing the application.
The application must include:
The cold-water fisheries conservation need and the result expected to be achieved
Project details and description
The chapter’s role in the project.
Amount requested
WYTU needs to be listed as a contributing partner